We have never done a blog post like this, but after basically not blogging all year and feeling overwhelmed about all the sessions I want to share, Charlie had a great idea to do this post! Before you is a sneak peek into every single thing we photographed in 2019, minus a few homes, but I didn’t think it would be right to share those;)
It would be impossible to count how many photos we take in a year. It would take me hours trying to figure that out but it’s definitely in the tens of thousands. And probably well over half that large number is what we edited and sent off. It’s a lot. But I almost got emotional doing this post because it’s forcing me to look back over all the blessings that each photo represents. It’s emotional to see the faces again of all the people who have invested in ME to present and preserve their memories in 2019, and for some clients, have been investing in me for years! I think I go and go through the year and just fully invest in each session and then fully in test in the next session, and so on and so on, but never really take in what the whole year looked like. After finally being able to do that here, I want to do this every year! It inspires me to see all this joy and love and trust in what I do and helps ignite the fire to get back out and fill another year post.
I may be the first to say it, but I might miss this quarantine time. I might. I won’t miss the fear, the OCDness to clean my mail and shopping carts, nor will I miss not being able to just carelessly be with people, but I will miss this incredibly unique time to not have to be places. I’ll miss not having the pressure of obligation to be doing so much or be out all the time or let FOMO decide what we should do. It’s kind of a comforting feeling to know that we are missing nothing, we have nothing to do, nowhere to be but just to be with those at home with our calendar wide open to be home, guilt free. It’s a gift and we may never see this gift again in our lifetime, ever again. Letting that sink in as I go each day telling myself to enjoy this and be grateful that I get to have this time illness free, as others would love to enjoy this time that way but can’t. Taking this time to reflect, reset, refresh, and be thankful.
Thank you to all of my clients in this post! You have blessed me more than you know and this wouldn’t be possible without you!
Enjoy looking through our year and thank you for reading through those long thoughts!:)

I had the privilege of photographing Elijah’s birth! Our dear friends, Cr and Christin, trusted me with this gift of photographing the beautiful story told through labor and delivery, and it sparked a new passion for me. I cried editing these photos and tear up every time I look through them. I love birth and I love these people! The nurses probably thought I was crazy for crying when Elijah was born, but if they only knew the bond we all have and that it took 9 months of praying for this sweet boy to be gifted to them, and then 9 more months of praying for him to be healthy and now he was HERE at last in their arms, they would’ve been crying too;) Please let me photograph your birth too!;)