Charlie and Morgan Photography

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Behind The Photos || Our First BTS Post!

I have always wanted to do a "behind the scenes" blog post, but never made the time to do so! I've saved pictures in a folder for it for years and decided that this year was THE year this post was finally going to happen! So here it is!

These photos are not just from this year but from the past 3 or so years. We sadly don't have pictures from every wedding, or event, or session we have done, but we will work on that in the future! I will do my best to try to get one of these blog posts posted once a year from now on!

It was so fun to look back over our many shoots in this way! What I've learned:

-I make weird faces.

-I wear the same clothes. Like, I think I've had 3 different outfits my whole career for weddings. I've realized this of course when I get ready for each wedding, but now that I see it in photos, I may need new clothes. When you find the right work clothes, it's hard to keep searching when you found the right fit! However, RIP to my floral shirt that you will see in so many photos. It fell victim to somehow being torn at a wedding this past summer. It will be missed.

-We have lots of different tired faces.

-My elbow finds it's way into many photos.

-Charlie is always happy. Unless he's tired. Then he just looks straight up tired.

-We have the best, craziest, weirdest job ever. I love it.

-I need to do better at getting more photos like these because they are golden to me.

Please enjoy these mostly embarrassing photos below that I may regret later for posting! Yay!

I feel so incredibly blessed by how many opportunities we have been given over these last few years. So many important days we've been a part of, people we've met, moments we've witnessed. I have loved every minute of it. I also love that I get to do it with this guy right here. He works so very hard to juggle it all and even still is full of so much energy and joy. Thank you, Lord for Charlie and all our wonderful clients and now friends for this amazing journey we have been on so far! We're excited to see what the Lord has in store for us in these years to come!

Thank you!