This post is a little random, but one that we have been waiting to post for awhile! In July 2016, we moved into our first home! We jumped head first into our first redo project, the Master+Master Bath. The layout of the bedroom and bathroom was just too odd to handle. We decided to just start the project before we moved in, because no better time than the present;) Our goal was to keep the project between $5,000-$7,000 and we did just that by doing about 90% of the project ourselves! Really, I did maybe 5% and Charlie did the other 85%. I am so very thankful that Charlie was persistent about doing most of the work himself, even when I would beg (like a brat) and ask him to hire out some things. We only hired out for the shower, and walking into our bathroom now and being able to look around and see all that we did ourselves, it makes me so much more proud that we accomplished this on our own. Charlie is SO talented and continues to blow me away with his hard work ethic and determination to do it himself and do it the best way possible. I love this husband of mine:)
So enough of me talking here, let's get into pictures!

These next few are the before of our bedroom and bathroom. You will see what I meant about the odd layout...

The demo begins! I was thankfully out of town for weddings when this happened.

Already a wonderful difference

We were going to save the ceiling but decided it would be easier to completely rip out all the walls and the ceiling and just redo them. It not only got rid of the stipple on the ceiling, but also made it tons easier for Charlie to be able to redo electrical and plumbing.

Oh sanding. This was one of the main things I begged Charlie (like a brat;) to hire out. This was the worst, and I didn't even have to do it. I just hated this part all around, but Charlie stuck with it and did it all by himself. He would come home from a full day at work, and go sand for as much time as he could before dinner. Again, so proud of him. Ashamed of me.

Sanding complete!! We were ready for paint at last!

Tile shopping:)

We got incredibly lucky and found the perfect counter top and sink exactly the size we needed. Plus it was discounted for being a display which just totally sealed the deal.

This is the start of the vanity. After looking through tons of vanity options, Charlie decided that building it himself was clearly the cheapest option, and the best way to get what we were looking for. So thankful he was up for the task:)

Doug Fowler was a huge help in the building of the vanity as far as offering advice, tips, and letting us use any of his tools whenever Charlie needed them. The hospitality and grace that the Fowler's have shown us is something I will never take for granted. We are so thankful for them!

Doors are routed, almost ready for paint!

This was one of the most exciting parts, the shower going in! This for me meant that we were nearing the end at last!

Done! It's everything we imagined. Just needed the doors at this point.

The start of the flooring! Charlie and a very sweet friend, Stephen did the floor together. We were very thankful for Stephen giving up many hours and tools just to help get the floor done!

Excitement grew majorly when I saw this! I had never heard of tile that looked like wood and honestly thought that sounded like a bad idea when Charlie first told me about it, but I was so wrong and love it so very much!

This part I did get to help with. Grouting the tile is now another new skill we've acquired.

So in love!

Painting is something I took on. Charlie helped with the primer but since he does not enjoy painting and had already done EVERYTHING else in the bathroom, I took this task.

I'm being real here. This is just what happens with construction. It's rough. It's dirty. It's a depressing mess like this one. But it's incentive to get the job done faster so you can FINALLY clean up!

Testing out what the vanity may look like in the bathroom...

Got all the new trim in!

Ready for paint!

We weren't going to paint the bedroom until we remembered that since we added the wall, we would of course need to paint. I'm glad we did this though, it's so much better and much brighter! We ended up using the same color we painted the bathroom in.

Lights in, shower in, floor in, paint done, trim done, all that was needed was the mirror, glass doors, and vanity! SO close!

I am so proud of Charlie for the hard work he did. He didn't use any plans or models, just put his ideas onto paper and figured it out from there. This vanity is exactly what I had dreamed of having. He went above and beyond and I can't help but smile with pride whenever I see it. It's so much more special that he built this with his own hands rather than if we just bought one. This is a piece I would be sad to not keep with us forever!

Getting ready to mount the vanity. This is where things get real.

Done. And perfect:) Just needs the mirror.

Doors in and beautiful! Just needed the toilet at this point and we were home!

And here it is! Done at last. We did it. I still can't believe it. Just so thankful and proud.

We made our own towel rack from a piece of barn wood given to us by dear friends! I love the pattern of the sawmill blade that came through! It's perfect.

We found these hooks in Highlands, NC while we were out on a date day for my birthday. Highlands is one of our favorite places to visit, and we visit often! It was special to find these in a little antique place to have a piece of Highlands hidden in the room.

One of my favorite views! Still can't believe we did this project and finished it. (Almost finished. We are planning on putting the doors on soon! We just couldn't wait to post photos;)

Still planning to find Edison bulbs for these fixtures.

We found the mirror at an antique store in Monroe, Ga! We got a discount on this as well due to paint being splattered all over the glass. After some goo gone and razor blade handy work, the paint came off and the mirror was good as new.

Wanted to include our completed bedroom as well! I had way too much fun purchasing a million pillows for our new bed! I have a problem really with how many I bought.

We obviously still have some decorating to do in here as it is a little bare! But we are just happy to be in our room at last!

If you know us, you know that fly fishing and trout are a great part of our lives and usually the subject of our greatest adventures! So I just couldn't pass up these trout sheets I found from Eddie Bauer. They may not match perfectly or be what you would put together with everything, but I loved them and just had to get them;)

One of the best deals in the room is this headboard. Of all places I looked for a headboard, this came from Walmart!

And that is our project, complete! Of course as I mentioned, we still have some decorating to do, but we definitely qualify this as done! Again, I'm so thankful for my husband. He stuck with it all, did his very best, and had great patience with me as we went through this. Even after I did not make it easy for him to be patient with me! His talents seem to never end, and I am forever grateful that he is blessed in that way. He is truly amazing.
I also have to thank everyone who helped us in so many ways with this project. From helping with electrical, drywall, insulation, plumbing, and carpentry, to getting on hands and knees for hours laying the floor. We are forever thankful and owe you big. :)
We were crazy for tackling this, but I'm very proud of us for doing it, and doing it just 2 years into marriage together and coming out just as in love as before;)
We did it, Charlie!:)