Emily||Senior 2017
I was so excited when Emily's Mom contacted me a few months ago about scheduling Emily's senior photos. I was even more excited when she said that they were wanting to hold it at a sunflower field! This would be my first time ever doing a sunflower session and I couldn't wait to see what it had to offer.
Emily and her Mom met me first thing in the morning at the sunflower fields. I was a little nervous when I pulled in to find that the field was in full sun already. Until, I was directed to park in the "photographer parking" away from everything. This was a little annoying at first until I noticed off in the distance, what i'd like to call, their secret sunflower field. It was away from everyone so I didn't see anyone else using it, it was full of beautiful TALL sunflowers, and the best part was that it was in the shade!! It was going to be a dream. Emily and her Mom were up for anything thankfully so we turned away from the touristy part of the farm and headed to the secret field. It was everything I had hoped for and even still, Emily totally outshined the stunning field! She was effortlessly beautiful and could go from laughing, to serious, to soft smile in a matter of seconds and execute it all perfectly. I loved working with her! Her sweet and kind personality and spirit shines through these and for that, these are some of my very favorite photos ever! Also, did you see her eyes??! So crazy stunning. ;)
Emily, thank you for asking me to take these photos for you, and thank you for trusting me and being up for any adventurous ideas that came to mind! I hope you love these as much as I do!:)